DStv Extra View: Multiply Your TV Experience


Are you feeling stuck in a TV tussle? Kids want cartoons, but you’re itching for some sports action? No worries. Say hello to DStv Extra View. In this blog post, we’re breaking down how you can double, or even triple, your viewing pleasure.

Understanding DStv Extra View: The Deep Dive

What is Extra View?

Extra View is like the superhero cape for your DStv experience. In technical terms, it’s a Multichoice feature for DStv subscribers that lets you link up multiple decoders under just one DStv subscription. What does that mean in layman’s terms? You get to watch different channels in different rooms, at the same time, all without juggling multiple bills.

Why Do You Need It?

Picture this: you’re cozied up in your living room, engrossed in the latest thriller, and then—boom!—someone switches to a cooking show. Mood ruined, right? Extra View saves the day by letting you enjoy multiple shows on multiple screens. Want to keep tabs on the news while the kids watch cartoons? Or maybe you’ve got sports fanatics and soap opera lovers under the same roof? Extra View lets everyone win. It’s freedom, delivered right to your screen.

The Decoder Dynamic: Primary and Secondary Decoders

Okay, let’s break it down. You’ve got the Primary Decoder, the Big Kahuna. This is your main DStv device, the one that holds the reins to your subscription. It’s connected to your dish and essentially ‘talks’ to Multichoice, telling it what package you’re on, what channels you get—basically, it calls the shots.

And then you have the Secondary Decoders—the sidekicks. These little helpers are connected to your primary decoder through what’s known as a ‘heartbeat’ signal. They can’t function without the primary decoder, but they offer the same viewing experience. It’s like having multiple remote controls for the same air conditioner. One calls the shots; the others just make sure you stay cool.

And don’t worry, setting up these decoders isn’t a maze. Our guide on connecting DStv Explora LNB cables has got you covered.

So, ready to take your TV experience to the next level? Extra View is your ticket to harmony and double the entertainment. Welcome to the future of family TV time!

The Cost Aspect: Extra Entertainment Without the Extra Cost

2023 DStv Extra View Price: The Monthly Drill

Ready for the numbers? Brace yourself, they’re not that scary. As of 2023, DStv Extra View adds an extra R100 to your monthly DStv subscription bill. That’s right—just a hundred rand for the freedom to watch different shows in different rooms at the same time. It’s like treating yourself to a fancy coffee, but the buzz lasts all month long!

Installation Cost: The One-Time Affair

So you’re pumped for Extra View and all its glory, but you’re wondering about those initial costs? We get it; nobody likes hidden fees. Good news: the Extra View installation doesn’t empty your pockets. A standard extra view installation will cost you around R650. It’s a one-time fee, but the convenience lasts a lifetime.

Cost Breakdown Price (ZAR)
Monthly Subscription R100/month
Installation Fee ~R650

Value for Money: The Real Deal

When you do the math, you’ll see the value screams louder than a game-winning goal on SuperSport. The cost of spreading happiness (and TV freedom) across multiple rooms comes down to roughly R3.33 per day for the monthly subscription. That’s less than a loaf of bread!

On top of that, the installation fee is a one-time deal. Pay it once and get years of uninterrupted, multi-room DStv joy. No more remote hogging or channel-swapping drama. Just seamless TV viewing for everyone in the household.

So, when you think about the cost aspect, it’s really an investment in household harmony. A win-win for everyone involved! Ready to dive in? Don’t forget, DSTV Pro Installation is here to guide you through the setup, making your transition to multi-room happiness as smooth as possible.

Setting Up DStv Extra View: A User-Friendly How-To

So, you’re sold on the idea of Extra View. You can already picture the serene scenes of multi-room TV watching. Now, let’s get to the nitty-gritty: the setup!

How It Works: The Heartbeat of Your Setup

Okay, ever heard of a heartbeat signal? It’s not romantic; it’s tech-tastic! In Extra View, this heartbeat signal is the communication lifeline between your primary and secondary decoders. All this is made possible through some cool gadgets: a Universal Twin LNB and a Smart Switch. Simply put, these components make sure your decoders talk to each other without throwing any tantrums.

Step-by-Step Guide: Your Roadmap to Extra View Bliss

  1. Connect Your Primary Decoder: First things first, make sure your primary decoder is hooked up to your satellite dish. This is your entertainment hub, the quarterback of your home theater.
  2. Communication Cable Connection: Time to connect your primary decoder to your secondary decoders. Grab a communication cable and get to it. It’s like setting up a playdate between your decoders!
  3. Userband Numbers: These are like the secret handshakes between your decoders. Configure the userband numbers to ensure they know they’re on the same team.
  4. Activate Extra View: You’re on the home stretch! Log into your DStv subscription and activate the Extra View feature. This is like cutting the ribbon at the grand opening of your new, multifaceted entertainment system.

Need some extra guidance? Our DIY DSTV dish installation guide can lend you a hand.

Required Equipment: Your Toolbelt of Joy

  • Primary and Secondary Decoders: Your main and additional boxes of entertainment.
  • Universal Twin LNB: This gadget receives the satellite signals and directs them to your decoders. Think of it as the receptionist at Hotel DStv.
  • Smart Switch: This is your traffic cop, directing signals where they need to go between your decoders.
Equipment Checklist Why You Need It
Primary and Secondary Decoders The brains behind the operation, these control your viewing.
Universal Twin LNB This is your signal catcher.
Smart Switch The traffic manager for signals between decoders.

Troubleshooting Extra View: Your SOS Guide for Peaceful Viewing

So you’ve got Extra View up and running—awesome! But wait, something’s off? Whether it’s a glitch in the matrix or an error message on your screen, we’ve got the deets to get you back in the entertainment zone.

Common Problems: The Usual Suspects

  • No Signal: You’re all set for your favorite show, and then—poof!—no signal. Annoying, right?
  • E143 Error: This mysterious message shows up, and you’re puzzled.
  • Remote Control Chaos: Your remote isn’t listening to you. Time for some decoder-discipline!

The E143 Error Message: Demystified

The E143 error message is like that guy who shows up uninvited to the party—no one wants him there. It usually indicates an issue with the heartbeat signal between your primary and secondary decoders. Basically, your decoders are having a small communication breakdown.

If you’re staring down this error, don’t panic. Our guide on fixing DStv signal problems has a slew of solutions that can help.

DIY Fixes: Your First-Aid Kit

  1. Check Connections: Make sure your primary and secondary decoders are properly connected.
  2. Reset Userband Numbers: Double-check those userband settings. Are they set up right?
  3. Reboot: When all else fails, give your system the good old reboot. Sometimes, that’s all it takes to make amends between your decoders.
Quick Fixes What It Does
Check Connections Ensures your decoders are speaking to each other.
Reset Userband Numbers Fixes potential miscommunication between decoders.
Reboot System Refreshes your setup, often solving minor issues.

When to Call for Help: Your Lifeline

Sometimes, you’ve got to know when to wave the white flag and call in the pros. If your screen’s still being stubborn, it might be time for some decoder repair and replacement. It’s not admitting defeat; it’s choosing victory for your viewing pleasure!

In Summary

Problems with Extra View can feel like a TV tragedy, but most issues have straightforward fixes. From resetting connections to rebooting your system, these troubleshooting tips can turn your frown upside down.

And remember, you’re not alone in this. DSTV Pro Installation is always here to help make your Extra View experience as smooth as possible. Now, go reclaim that remote and get back to your binge-watching bonanza!


How much is DStv extra view per month?

The DStv Extra View subscription will cost you R100 per month. That’s a small price to pay for TV harmony in the house!

How does extra view work on DStv?

Extra View allows you to link multiple DStv decoders under a single subscription. Your primary decoder controls the subscription, while the secondary decoders add on extra viewing points in your home. The heartbeat signal, sent through a Universal Twin LNB and Smart Switch, keeps the decoders in sync.

What is the extraview package for DStv?

Extra View isn’t a separate package but rather a feature you can add to your existing DStv subscription. It lets you expand your viewing areas within the home, under a single billing cycle.

Is DStv Extra View free?

Nope, it’s not free. Adding Extra View to your subscription costs R100 per month, plus an initial installation fee of around R650.

What do you need for extra view?

You’ll need primary and secondary decoders, a Universal Twin LNB, and a Smart Switch. Also, make sure you have a communication cable for linking the decoders.

Can I watch DStv on two TVs?

Absolutely! With DStv Extra View, you can watch different channels on multiple TVs at the same time, all under one subscription.

Can 2 people stream DStv?

Yes, with DStv Extra View, two people can stream different channels simultaneously, using separate decoders.

How do I install DStv extra view?

You’ll need to connect your primary decoder to the satellite dish, link it to your secondary decoder(s) with a communication cable, and set up the userband numbers. Finally, activate Extra View through your DStv subscription. For our extra view installation service, click here.

How much is DStv Xtraview access?

The cost for DStv Xtraview is the same as Extra View: R100 per month.

Can I use my DStv extra view decoder at another house?

Technically, you could, but it’s not recommended. The heartbeat signal needs a stable setup to work correctly. Shifting your equipment might lead to some unpleasant glitches.

How much is the Openview decoder?

Sorry, that’s outside our scope! We focus on DStv here.

Can you connect two decoders to Dish?

Yes, you can connect multiple decoders to a single dish using a Universal Twin LNB and a Smart Switch.

How do I cancel my DStv extra view?

To cancel Extra View, you’ll need to contact DStv customer service. They’ll guide you through the process.

How do I lower my DStv subscription?

You can downgrade your DStv package through your online account or by contacting customer service. However, the Extra View cost will remain the same at R100 per month.

How many devices can use DStv now?

The DStv Now service allows streaming on up to two devices simultaneously. But note, this doesn’t include your Extra View decoders; they’re separate.

Can I pause my DStv subscription?

Pausing your DStv subscription is generally not an option. You’d need to cancel your current subscription and then re-activate it later.


With over a decade of experience in satellite installation, Mthunzi is a seasoned Satellite Installation Technician at DStv Pro Installation. Recognized for his meticulous attention to detail and expert knowledge in signal troubleshooting, Mthunzi has successfully completed over 1,000 installations, earning a reputation for reliability and excellence. Certified and constantly updated on the latest technology, he’s the go-to professional you can trust for a seamless DStv experience.

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